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(WanGrp?!) (56, Angelic) Fiction: noob draghging service is open for the next 30 min , i help the weakest player
(WanGrp?!) (52, Satanic) Lin )
(WanGrp?!) (171, Demonic) Fiendish: i'm pretty weak
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: so is Fiction's spelling
(WanGrp?!) (63, Satanic) Dexx: but who is going to help you?
(WanGrp?!) (56, Angelic) Fiction: normal noi one wan help me you can help me dexx
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun english speak good 4 u!
(WanGrp?!) (63, Satanic) Dexx: even i have my limits.... ;)
(WanGrp?!) (56, Angelic) Fiction: vaun stfu plz man your on my pk list now
(WanGrp?!) (95, Satanic) Tremilon goes ooOOooOOoo.
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: wait, let me practice being afraid
(WanGrp?!) (201, Angelic) A Horde of Shriekmancers suddenly appear and utter the word 'PHj33R'.
(WanGrp?!) (201, Angelic) An ominous aura coalesce out of nowhere... You feel a little Shriekphobic.
(WanGrp?!) (56, Angelic) Fiction: no need just dont go in pk rooms
(WanGrp?!) (95, Satanic) Tremilon barks at Vaun scaring him senseless.
(WanGrp?!) (171, Demonic) Fiendish: can you even pk people, fiction?
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: by the time you type bs vaun, I'll be like 8 rooms away man
(WanGrp?!) (146, Satanic) Mach giggles.
(WanGrp?!) (18, Angelic) Delazo yawns at Fiction.
(WanGrp?!) (56, Angelic) Fiction: not yet but its a list when i see he is claned i scry him a couple of times a day
(WanGrp?!) (56, Angelic) Fiction: off
(WanGrp?!) (171, Demonic) Fiendish: ehe
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: umm, i r been clanned like yrs
(WanGrp?!) (18, Angelic) Delazo claps at Fiction's performance.
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: and I r like been scried today no times
(WanGrp?!) (95, Satanic) Tremilon: im claned:P
(WanGrp?!) (95, Satanic) Tremilon: for another 106 lvs at least
(WanGrp?!) (171, Demonic) Fiendish: me too
(WanGrp?!) (171, Demonic) Fiendish: does your clan have good eq, tremilon?
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: clans have eq?
(WanGrp?!) (95, Satanic) Tremilon: only the best
(WanGrp?!) (105, Angelic) Vaun: cool
(WanGrp?!) (95, Satanic) Tremilon laughs out loud.

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