
#20385 + (50 ) X
22 Apr 15:19:17 - Rockwell (Master of Guidance) tells the CLAN: 'torkin'
22 Apr 15:19:32 - Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'dr'
22 Apr 15:20:00 - TrEz (Champion of Loyalty) tells the CLAN: 'who you calling a dr'
22 Apr 15:20:32 - Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'did i ever tell you about the time i went to a bar and this black dude told me he was a dr of assology'
22 Apr 15:20:36 - Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'i think about that a lot'
#15116 + (168 ) X
(Friend) Three dead Dashiell: 'Romans in their early teens: LXIX LXIX LXIX LXIX LXIX LXIX ! ! ! I I I I I I XI XI XI I I I I I'
#18267 + (70 ) X
Auction: Baktosh is auctioning YOUR RETARDED (Level 1, Num 22). Current bid is 100.
Auction: Watlok is auctioning NO YOU'RE RETARDED (Level 1, Num 23). Current bid is 100.
Zuellier barters: HAHA! that's good!
(Gossip) Belkul laughs out loud.
Auction: Semoene is auctioning A Big Pack Of SHUT THE HELL UP!! brand© gum (Level 30, Num 24). Current bid is 100.
Tikuranari barters: Continue!
(Gossip) Janoui chuckles politely.
ScarletWitch barters: i want them all!
Auction: YOUR RETARDED SOLD to ScarletWitch for 5,000 gold.
Auction: NO YOU'RE RETARDED SOLD to ScarletWitch for 5,000 gold.
Auction: A Big Pack Of SHUT THE HELL UP!! brand© gum SOLD to ScarletWitch for 5,000 gold.
#16931 + (64 ) X
[ 141] FatesDagger: Re: A declaration of war ++
Board: Clan
Date: Thu Aug 30 14:32:47 2007
To: all Domen Arystul Tir
Reply to: Note 140 posted by Tir

Its a joke. Admittedly a lame one but hey the only good joke they've had
created Daoine and we've all been laughing, at not with, them ever since.


[ 142] Tir: Re: A declaration of war +++
Board: Clan
Date: Thu Aug 30 14:34:15 2007
To: all Domen Arystul Tir FatesDagger
Reply to: Note 141 posted by FatesDagger

Daoine has had many fantastic jokes. The basic problem is that:

a) We don't share the best ones with you
b) You're dull, and wouldn't appreciate them, anyway

- Tir

Twisting FatesDagger tells you 'oh but you have, you had Darktears in there for the longest time.'
#20348 + (74 ) X
(Imm) Fuel: i have a soup. but forgot the name. because of old age. starts with s
(Imm) Fuel: i thought about lasagna, it took over my brain. thats why
(Imm) Fuel: cant call the soups name now
(Imm) Fuel: its blocked
(Imm) Fuel: by lasagna
#17400 + (67 ) X
(Friend) Breast Feeder: 'tears as lube, nothing unusual'
#18208 + (75 ) X
(Friend) Kuon: 'Market: Opochtli has bid 2,400,000 gold on = Misanthrope's Dark Curse = (Level 200, Num: 1221).'
(Friend) Kuon: 'why the hell does he bother'
(Friend) Kuon: 'he's like denying his own existence by hitting level 200'
#16910 + (69 ) X
Malcontent Vaun tells you 'so we had a bar mitzvah at the waterpark a week or so ago'

Malcontent Vaun tells you 'and at the morning meeting, I asked if it would be inappropriate for me to wear a hitler costume and invite the kids to come play with the pizza ovens'

Malcontent Vaun tells you 'nobody else laughed'

Malcontent Vaun tells you 'i was disappointed'
#18087 + (77 ) X
INFO: Resiliang has been reborn as a noble lady.

(Friend): Never look Mach claps at Realising Resiliang's performance.
(Friend) Never look Mach: 'congrats on your successful sex-change op'
#19724 + (85 ) X
Sexxy Tela Nobletalks: 'geeze people........this is what i see when I try to
read a book stoned :P'
#18426 + (65 ) X
(Group) Abunai: 'fly please'
(Group) Escobar: 'I think I levi'd an ant :('
#15668 + (66 ) X
(Friend) [sic] Jilted: 'vaun there's a cheat to the game: if you type delete and your password right now you'll be rewarded with a real life'
#19570 + (82 ) X
We all wuv Torasin tells you 'Btw, I was gonna say I'd rather go down on my 82 year old grandmother than put you in as leader. *Wuv*'
#18923 + (85 ) X
14 Apr 10:34 - We all wuv Torasin tells you 'Don't take this the wrong way man, but you're a fucking selfish bastard and I want you to die a slow and horrible death.'
14 Apr 10:34 - We all wuv Torasin tells you 'Hogging all the female types up there. :P'
#16126 + (79 ) X
You tell the CLAN: 'Man, Jack Bauer is awesome. I bet he shits stars and stripes.'
#14976 + (77 ) X
Vega debates 'First to use this channel! EVER!'
Lasher debates 'nope'
Vega debates 'No? :('
Vega debates 'We should have a big argument about it.'
Kayne debates 'stings'
Lasher debates 'it's been in test on another port for a week.'
Lasher debates 'btw, debate is for people that don't have access to nuke.'
Skyluke debates 'for me !'
Vega debates 'I concur, good sir and retract my previous arguments!'
Lasher debates 'werd'
#15553 + (75 ) X
(Friend) Jilted: I need to tell you that I got wasted on my birthday and broke my leg in 3 places'
(Friend) Jesopyr: 'Only three?'
(Friend) Vaun: 'and by 3 places, he means 3 different bars'
#16340 + (67 ) X
Friend) Dispel Majic: 'we need a babysitter'

(Friend) Dispel Majic: 'i suggest sugarbuns cwaigath'

(Friend): Dispel Majic points at you. How rude!

You tell your friends: 'DIE'

(Friend) Dispel Majic: 'she can babysit all daves!'

800 babies named Dave arrives from a puff of smoke.

800 babies named Dave now follows you.

You watch in horror as 800 babies named Dave screams 'MUMMY!!' and rushes towards you.

You tell your friends: 'Oh jesus'

With a thunderclap, The U.S.S. Dashiell appears in the room.

The U.S.S. Dashiell stops using Ship Anchor.
The U.S.S. Dashiell equips your ocular orifice as a portal.

The U.S.S. Dashiell rolls on the floor laughing at 800 babies named Dave's antics!

(Friend) Dispel Majic: 'as long a they don't get mistaken for goats'

27 Mar 16:30 - Dispel Majic tells you 'read the desc :P'

look dave
800 children are climbing around on a heap. There's some water on the
floor, so there's not much hope for the bottom layer, but Darwin rules!
Survival of the fittest!. You feel sorry for them, but realize it's not
your fault, but it's the product of Majic and Chuft's vigorous coitus.
800 babies named Dave is in perfect health.

27 Mar 16:30 - Dispel Majic tells you 'and listen to them :P'

800 babies named Dave asks 'Majic got pregnant again and here is the result. Quite some odd looking CHAPS. Bollocks! I wonder who the BLOODY father is? Cup of tea, chap?'

(Friend) Dispel Majic: 'well someone has to babysit the 800 daves while i go to the laundromat'
#19972 + (147 ) X
[21 Jun 14:46:51] Khaleesi tells you 'u aint putting no chcolate on this pussy'
[21 Jun 14:47:58] Khaleesi tells you 'tell your friends Khaleesi dont put chocolate there'
#19477 + (81 ) X
Calantha tells you 'ROFLMFAO NOT WHEN I HAVE SODA IN MY MOUTH PSYMON!! LOL' You tell Calantha 'better buy your keyboard an umbrella' Calantha tells you 'lol shifted my head left hit the carpet lol'
#18064 + (67 ) X
INFO: Ballcrusher is the new Funeral Director at the Graveyard!
#16159 + (72 ) X
(Spouse) Ab Domen: I'm going to put your penis in the database and give it + over and over so everyone sees it.
#17127 + (75 ) X
(WanGrp?!) (11, Cruel) Mordsith (T0/W6): -h

(WanGrp?!) (11, Cruel) Mordsith (T0/W6): *rofl

*You laff at Mordsith.
#18839 + (78 ) X
(Friend) Suck My Six: 'motherfucker'
(Friend) Suck My Six: 'im talking to mirrim on ftalk, and just announced my dancer as Mirrim'
(Friend) Suck My Six: 'she just stared at me'
#18418 + (72 ) X
(Friend) Kalista: 'Curi and I are in a secret long distance lesbian relationship together, we want to come clean.'
(Friend): Kalista kisses Curi.
(Friend) Charneus: 'If you want to come clean, make sure you douche down there first.'
#18587 + (85 ) X

16 Nov 08:12 - Bugshoppy tells you 'group?'
16 Nov 08:33 - You tell Bugshoppy 'Qsitting :)'
16 Nov 08:36 - Bugshoppy tells you 'but can you drag me?'
16 Nov 08:38 - You tell Bugshoppy 'lol'
16 Nov 08:38 - You tell Bugshoppy 'its 2k tnl...why cant you just kill things yourself?'
16 Nov 08:38 - Bugshoppy tells you 'i use mxit'
16 Nov 08:39 - You tell Bugshoppy 'Youve gotten this far without ever soloing?'
16 Nov 08:51 - Bugshoppy tells you 'i did solo till here'

16 Nov 10:29 - Picolo tells you 'want to group?'
16 Nov 10:29 - You tell Picolo 'No thanks :) qsitting'
16 Nov 10:29 - Picolo tells you 'you can still drag me'
16 Nov 10:30 - You tell Picolo 'Are you on mxit?'
16 Nov 10:30 - Picolo tells you 'yes i am. '

finger bugshoppy
There is no player with that name.

16 Nov 10:31 - You tell Picolo 'go away Bugshoppy'
16 Nov 10:31 - Picolo tells you 'huh?'
16 Nov 10:31 - You tell Picolo 'Dont huh me'
16 Nov 10:31 - Picolo tells you 'wtf is bugshoppy?'
16 Nov 10:32 - You tell Picolo 'YOU!'
#18794 + (92 ) X
(Imm) Gravy: is it me or names are getting more ridiculous?
#16091 + (65 ) X
Djarum gossips 'j////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
Djarum gossips 'damn kitten'
You tell Your Daddy Djarum 'my kitten says \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////......................................................................................'
Djarum gossips 'sorry'
#16550 + (81 ) X
(Friend) Nyarlathotep: 'The problem with you, Gren, is that if I demand news I will wind up hearing something about your genitals'
(Friend) Nyarlathotep: 'And I'm just not up to pitying you tonight.'
#15613 + (64 ) X
(Friend) Ab Domen: 'I meow and it sounds like broken dreams!'
#19300 + (72 ) X
[Emerald] Taco Bone Tela: Ahhg, a tasty wench at that, she be 'avin some nice chil' bearin' hips. AHOJ.
#16749 + (70 ) X
(Group) Buffy BovineMan: 'nimwit is like jesus for cows'
#17197 + (80 ) X
(Friend) Naelia: 'Jason, I'll wear my infamous cat shirt for you'
(Friend) Naelia: 'the one i wear to all of my adoption events'
You tell your friends: 'I bet it's already 'marked'...
You tell your friends: 'Jilt: The horrid truth: Nae likes water sports.
(Friend) Naelia: 'lmao'
(Friend) . Jilted: 'rofl'
You tell your friends: 'wtf there's no pee on u social...
(Friend): Naelia . o O ( ew )
(Friend) Naelia: 'my lips are dry'
(Friend): . Jilted takes Naelia in his arms and gives her a long, hot kiss. How sweet.
(Friend) . Jilted: 'not anymore'
(Friend) Naelia: 'graci'
You tell your friends: 'That's his job to water your tulips, Nae.
(Friend) . Jilted: 'lol jesus'
#14981 + (86 ) X
Frege (Knight) tells the CLAN: 'My mom had an autistic kid in one of her classes who used to scream, "MONKEYS AND COWBOYS GO TO THE WEST!" when he was upset.'
#17791 + (61 ) X
You tell your friends: 'I'm an Inblurbulator'
You tell your friends: 'wow try to pronounce that'
(Friend) Tyebald: 'I just did, and threw up a little in my mouth.'
#19636 + (77 ) X
Kerberos Nobletalks: 'Is hassan hard?'
StormySky Nobletalks: 'Only when certain female IMMs walk by...'
#17129 + (69 ) X
Ealodia . o O ( i love kitties, but i can never tell if they are boys or girls.. )
You . o O ( it gets easier when they turn 2mo. cuz boys will grow fuzzy dice ;) )
Ealodia . o O ( i had a cat named gary for like 2 years..then one day gary had babies :( )
You . o O ( lol )
#19279 + (114 ) X
CLANINFO: Failbait has been appointed leader of The Children of Baalzamon
#19336 + (76 ) X
(Friend) Delicate DawnVisage: 'Sorry guys, I've been trying to get my mom laid tonight.'
#19373 + (84 ) X

(Friend) Pervy Agrizar: 'Ashkelon is a cock-juggling thunder cunt! :('
#15564 + (67 ) X
(Friend) Dan-Tete Obyron: 'Chloe, listen to me... Is this line secure? Good. Chloe, I need you to upload the Shadokil maze to my PDA. I'm going in through the ventilation shaft.'
(Friend) Dan-Tete Obyron: 'Little does everyone know "The Shadokil Maze" is our euphemism for Mirrim's bathroom.'
#16055 + (72 ) X
You tell the CLAN: 'bye everyone'
Mondaine (Champion) tells the CLAN: 'bye vega'
(Champion) CLAN: Whitless Whitdjinn clutches you tightly in an overwhelming bearhug!
You are no longer a member of The Emerald Knights.'
#19236 + (112 ) X
(Imm) Gasping in awe, Skyris swoons as Accora's dick casually falls onto his shoulder.
(Imm) Skyris: so whats you opinion on casual sex?
(Imm) Accora: Having my dick on your shoulder does not give you the right to talk to me.
(Imm) Zxavier: since I've been back, I think I've seen Accora make like 8 comments, 5 of them had to do with his privates...
#17444 + (130 ) X
o-}HooK{-o Eh-man Dashiell: Not everyone removes smegma with a cheese plane. :/
#19609 + (80 ) X
[ [ [ Bells chime across the realm as Sylvain and Sylvain are married! ] ] ]
< Reboot flag set. Quitting now will automatically restore and reset quest >

An immortal Nobletalks: 'sylvain, do you want that removed?'
Sylvain Nobletalks: '*ponder*'
Sylvain Nobletalks: 'can I think about it?'
Raymn Nobletalks: 'make him do it! make him do it!'
An immortal Nobletalks: 'no, now or never.'
Ninia Nobletalks: 'Have him delete himself.'
PsiKronic Nobletalks: 'I suggest marriage counseling for Sylvain'
Sylvain Nobletalks: 'would I get the qp back?'
An immortal Nobletalks: 'You really dont want to discuss tihs with me too much.'
An immortal Nobletalks: 'considering you asked me what would happen and then
went ahead and did it anyways bfore waiting for an answer.'
Raymn Nobletalks: 'lets negotiate your compensation for abusing a bug!'
Zio Nobletalks: 'I can't propose self with my alt. *sniff*'
Sylvain Nobletalks: 'I think it should have been kept in myself'
Sylvain Nobletalks: 'can be like a loner flag for marriage'
Zio Nobletalks: 'Nod!'
An immortal Nobletalks: 'yeah well its 12:30 and I didnt even shower or eat
breakfast yet, for the next hour this place can go to hell :)'
Sylvain Nobletalks: 'I gained a wife!'
Goomba Nobletalks: 'uhh, enjoy your shower! =)'
(Gemote) : Sylvain spo lets go have mudsex!
(Gemote) : Sylvain mischan
(Gemote) : Chestwick will make many marriage proposals with insufficient
gold and QP!
Ivar Curses: 'ROCK! I've been telling Sylvain to go fuck himself for months
and now he has to to consumate his marriage!'
#15037 + (88 ) X
(on weddings) (Friend) Cabin Girl Kylenne: 'cause if there's free liquor I'll
be ghetto and show up to just the reception.'
#17078 + (74 ) X
Dugrant gossips 'must... get... to... level... 170... before... next... pee'
#19757 + (78 ) X
Nerces chants: 'Bremen, father my children while our bloodline is still pure.'
#19606 + (151 ) X
(Friend) Big Meanie Obyron: '10 Dec 00:12 - Immolester Xantcha tells you 'c 'locate animal' clitoris Your magic cannot locate a clitoris.''
(Friend) Big Meanie Obyron: '"Your magic cannot locate a a person with a bit of sense."
#15902 + (72 ) X

24 Oct 11:09 - Emo Lasher tells you 'omg you dont love aardwolf :('

Pending quotes: 10; Approved quotes: 5551