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trin dex
*You put a gun to the side of Dexx's head.
train dex
You spend 2 training sessions increasing your dexterity!
shelp trin

Social output for trindodge.
<1> - "Dodge this."
<2> - <player> says, "Dodge this."
<3> - You put a gun to the side of <target>'s head.
<4> - <player> puts a gun to the side of <target>'s head.
<5> - <player> puts a gun to the side of your head.
<6> - You pull the trigger.
<7> - <player> pulls a trigger.
Created by : Unknown

Line numbers correspond to those listed in 'HELP NEW SOCIAL'.
You tell Dexx 'That's what you get when you mistype train dex'
Dexx tells you 'i know.'
Dexx tells you 'i get it all the time'

You will need to answer the following correctly: 9 - 5 =

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