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(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I counter with a random ad hominem argument.'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'I counter your counter with a poorly constructed straw man attack.'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I tear down your straw man, playing right into your hands.'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'and if you counter the counter to your counter I have an improper appeal to unestablished authority waiting on deck.'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I hastily retort with poorly researched facts deliberately obfuscated.'
(Debate) Space Wyrm Circles: 'I ignore all your attacks and make poorly-judged and infantile suggestions regarding the conduct of your mothers'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'my witty rejoindre involves attacking an inessential assumption in your argument as if it were essential'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I take extreme umbrage and imply that your facts were obtained from a disreputable and licentious source.'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'I set up a badly constructed analogy that is neither consistent with the evidence nor proves my point.'
(Debate) Space Wyrm Circles: 'I eagerly await the part where you ignore all the arguments against you and just repeat your previous statements, but with more self-righteous passion'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I question your pedigree and insist that your construction is resulting from a defect of your national character.'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'I equivocate with respect to a key term in order to evade criticism for an obvious flaw in my argument'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I denigrate your obvious ignorance of the most fundamental aspects of continental body politic.'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'I deliberately misquote a source but hope to hide the inaccuracy by quoting an inordinate volume of text'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'I sense your equivocation but in my ignorance of the actual text cannot pinpoint your dissemblage.'
(Debate) Ruckus: 'I fail to realize that I have won the argument and elevate my polemic into a hysterical frenzy'
(Debate) MasterOf5 NakaKuro: 'Thus I hammer your with irrelevancies and delight in my illusory victory.'
(Debate) Space Wyrm Circles: 'realising that it's almost lunch time and I'm getting hungry, I stand tall and proud and boldly proclaim, with no basis in fact whatsoever, that Hitler believed the same thing you do, and if you got your way we'd all be speaking German now.'

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