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[12693] Ashkelon: Re: Popular MUD features - removal++++++
Board: General
Date: Sun Oct 21 20:01:59 2007
To: Lasher all Bremen Jhaern Arystul Ashkelon
Reply to: Note 12692 posted by Jhaern

The 3 or 4 times that I actually joined your "train", people would come back
and say "oh, I was in class" or "Okay, got the entire kitchen clean, one
second while I train another 20 strength".

The one time that I actually lead the "train", Chiketa (the usual "train"
leader, for the unenlightened), was also afk, which is why I had to do it.
I wasn't the only one not afk, there were 2 or 3 others. out of 7. Wow.
After sitting in a room not attacking anything for 10 minutes, trying to
get her attention via pages, tells, gtells, says, thinks, and personal notes,
I ungrouped her. 20 minutes after that, she came back and asked why she wasn't
still being dragged.

If I need to say more, let me know.

You will need to answer the following correctly: 3 - 14 =

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