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(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'

You quote '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?''

El Amante Rennek quotes 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'''

Rennek (Mormaer) tells the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?''''

Daeleon quotes 'Rennek quotes 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?''''

(Friend) El Amante Rennek: 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'''''

Arist quotes 'Daeleon quotes 'Rennek quotes 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'''''

You tell the CLAN: 'Rennek (Mormaer) tells the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'''''

El Amante Rennek quotes 'You tell your friends: 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?''''''

(Friend): (Linkdead) Alorien . o O ( I hate you guys. )

You tell your friends: '(Friend) El Amante Rennek: 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?''''''

Rennek (Mormaer) tells the CLAN: 'You quote 'You tell your friends: 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'''''''

You quote '(Friend): (Linkdead) Alorien . o O ( I hate you guys. )'

El Amante Rennek gossips 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'You tell your friends: 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?''''''''

(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Why did you do that?'

(Friend) El Amante Rennek: 'You gossip 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'You tell your friends: 'You tell the CLAN: 'You quote 'SealPoint quotes '(Friend) (Linkdead) Alorien: 'Hey, is anybody available for a lightspeed?'''''''''

You will need to answer the following correctly: 0 + 13 - 5 =

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