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Auction: Baktosh is auctioning YOUR RETARDED (Level 1, Num 22). Current bid is 100.
Auction: Watlok is auctioning NO YOU'RE RETARDED (Level 1, Num 23). Current bid is 100.
Zuellier barters: HAHA! that's good!
(Gossip) Belkul laughs out loud.
Auction: Semoene is auctioning A Big Pack Of SHUT THE HELL UP!! brand© gum (Level 30, Num 24). Current bid is 100.
Tikuranari barters: Continue!
(Gossip) Janoui chuckles politely.
ScarletWitch barters: i want them all!
Auction: YOUR RETARDED SOLD to ScarletWitch for 5,000 gold.
Auction: NO YOU'RE RETARDED SOLD to ScarletWitch for 5,000 gold.
Auction: A Big Pack Of SHUT THE HELL UP!! brand© gum SOLD to ScarletWitch for 5,000 gold.

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