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(Group) Raar: 'my buddy had a GF'
(Group) Raar: 'that he referred to as'
(Group) Raar: '1 to 2 to 4'
(Group) Outicus: 'lolwut'
(Group) Outicus: 'He skipped 3?'
(Group) Raar: 'cause on the third date her vag almost swalloed his hand!'
(Group) Outicus: 'OMG'
(Group) Azaezel: 'wow, just wow'
(Group) Raar nods.
(Group) Raar: 'I still don't know her name'
(Group) Outicus: 'Crixus tells you 'i dont get it...1 to 2 to 4?''
(Group) Crixus: '....'
(Group) Crixus: 'thats fake'
(Group) Crixus: 'i sooooo got it'
(Group) Outicus: '08 Jul 23:59 - Crixus tells you 'i dont get it...1 to 2 to 4?''
(Group) Outicus: 'TIMESTAMPED'

You will need to answer the following correctly: 3 + 2 - 4 =

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