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[67039] Whitdjinn: Why You're In Jail
Board: Personal
Date: Mon Jul 11 01:27:52 2005
To: Chuft Imm
You are in jail because it has been reported that once again,
you've attempted to abuse hunt triggers. There are multiple accounts
already on file that you've done this in the past, and you've
progressed to the point of jail-time as of your last offense
and obviously aren't getting the point that attempting to abuse
triggers is infact illegal, and your continued violation of this
rule is now resulting in some time in the freezer.

It would be safe to assume that if after returning from this
freeze, we hear about, or see you attempting to do this again, you

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will no longer be welcome on Aardwolf. Enough time and energy has
been spent trying to make that point clear to you. This will
be the last time.

If you have any questions feel free to send a tell or personal note
to myself or 'imm' at any time.

When you return from being 'afk' let me know so that your freeze
can begin.


You will need to answer the following correctly: 14 + 13 =

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