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(Group) Inicus: 'I want to find someone in my math class, who sucks at math but is awesome at piano'
(Group) Inicus: 'So I can trade math lessons for piano lessons'
(Group) Jukebox: 'I have a solution'
(Group) Jukebox: 'post an add on the math forum'
(Group) Jukebox: 'advert*'
(Group) Jukebox: 'the problem is you want to trade skills :P'
(Group) Liathum: 'Put an ad on Craig's list, Ini. "Young, SWM, 23, ISO, Master Pianist. You must have long, slender fingers with which to stroke the ivory keys and strum a gentle chord in my heart. Will provide a service in which I teach you the beauty of logarithms and matrices, and together, we'll solve the equation of love."'
(Group) Liathum: 'I think I just threw up in my mouth after writing that.'
(Group) Jukebox: 'OMG'
(Group) Jukebox enthusiastically high-fives Liathum!
(Group) Inicus: 'Long slender fingers to stroke the ivory keys.'
(Group) Inicus: 'Oh god'

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