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12 Feb 20:10:45 - Nod (Hero) tells the CLAN: 'i know you all dont watch tv, but I need to express my extreme dislike of all things baby yoda'
12 Feb 20:11:07 - Shaelynne (Emerald Lady) tells the CLAN: 'oh....yeah i dont really care much for yoda at all '
12 Feb 20:11:15 - Nod (Hero) tells the CLAN: 'ouch'
12 Feb 20:11:20 - Nod (Hero) tells the CLAN: 'you go too far'
12 Feb 20:15:07 - (Emerald Lady) CLAN: Shaelynne snickers softly.
12 Feb 20:15:11 - Shaelynne (Emerald Lady) tells the CLAN: 'i've never been much into star wars'
12 Feb 20:15:21 - Shaelynne (Emerald Lady) tells the CLAN: 'or star treck...honestly'
12 Feb 20:15:28 - FrostBite (Knight Commander) tells the CLAN: 'What's Star Wars?'
12 Feb 20:15:31 - Nod (Hero) tells the CLAN: 'i'm not sure what to do right now'
12 Feb 20:15:37 - Nod (Hero) tells the CLAN: 'i think i'm having a panic attack'
12 Feb 20:15:37 - (Knight Commander) CLAN: There goes FrostBite giggling again, and this time he's looking towards Nod.
12 Feb 20:15:42 - (Emerald Lady) CLAN: Shaelynne snickers with FrostBite about their shared secret.
12 Feb 20:15:45 - Erikson (Knight Commander) tells the CLAN: 'OK, I'm unclear on the clan rules, so what exactly _is_ the procedure for a vote of no confidence in obvious lunatics in leadership positions??'

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