
#20415 + (26 ) X
(Friend) Neeper: 'i'm getting nohello.net tattooed to my forehead.'
(Friend) Sammael: 'hey spousey, quick question'
(Friend): Sammael is typing.
(Friend): Sammael is typing..
(Friend): Sammael is typing...
(Friend) Sammael: 'you got a moment?'
(Friend) Anssett: 'rofl'
(Friend): Enne chuckles politely.
(Friend) Ani: 'who brought MS teams into ftalk?'
(Friend) Castiel: 'Disappointed you didn't do a :is no longer typing. :P'
(Friend) Anssett: 'it could be discord or slack'
(Friend): You snicker with her about your shared secret.
(Friend) Anssett: 'they all do that :P'
(Friend) Castiel: 'Then followed by another :is typing.'

Pending quotes: 10; Approved quotes: 5551