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(-DoH-) Fiendish : ok, vega lives in sharpstown, but he can't drive yet
(-DoH-) Fiendish : that's sorta near me
-=Tanelorn} Aelfwyne : one of us could pick him up
[Emerald] Vega : Don't think I'd be allowed to go though:(
[Emerald] Vega : My mom r mean:(
-=Tanelorn} Aelfwyne : ahh darn
(-DoH-) Fiendish : i'll bslap her
(-DoH-) Fiendish : errr i mean ask her nicely
-=*)Dragon(*=- Kalathor : Just tell your mom you're leaving with some strangers from an internet text-based game.
(-DoH-) Fiendish : usually does the trick, kalathor :)
[Emerald] Vega : but mom! they said they have candy!
-=Tanelorn} Aelfwyne : and peanut butter logs!
--Daoine-',{@ Jaenelle : Or be like me and lie to your parents :P
-=Tanelorn} Aelfwyne : yeah say the nerds are all having a back-to-school studyfest to get back into the swing of things

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