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[11 Apr 01:19:56] Forestseer gametalks: note to self, dont play trivia from imm hotel
[11 Apr 01:20:03] Arlien gametalks: Who cares?
[11 Apr 01:20:09] Silverdrake gametalks: LOL, FS
[11 Apr 01:20:16] Dolt gametalks: note to forestseer, notes to self shouldn't be to all
[11 Apr 01:20:23] Morill gametalks: score
[11 Apr 01:20:27] Forestseer gametalks: note to dolt, counter note
[11 Apr 01:20:39] Tealos gametalks: Riposte.

You will need to answer the following correctly: 7 - 11 + 13 =

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