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Psychic... or psycho?

(Friend) Charneus: '... Wow... that was... cool?'
(Friend) Vespar: 'what was'
(Friend) Charneus: 'I disabled room.info from GMCP protocol, and got... well, this... http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/5274/screenshotht.png';
(Friend) Escobar: 'Charneus, unless it's a hot naked chick, I don't wanna see it :P'
(Friend) Charneus: 'Escobar: Does your Aunt Suzy sunbathing count?'
(Friend): Escobar convulses as he shudders in disgust.
(Friend) Escobar: 'I have an Aunt Sue, and she's a swim coach'
(Friend) Escobar: 'I hate you, so much now.'

You will need to answer the following correctly: 15 - 12 + 10 =

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