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(WanGrp?!) [L201,-2500,M+7/T9] Dexx: Dexx in a Newtonian framework. (1) a Dexx at rest tends to want to level or a Dexx in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted on by an outside force, i.e., bathroom break or 3am; (2) the acceleration a of an m level mob death by unbalanced Dexx force F is directly proportional to the tier/remort/level and inversely proportional to the mob level, or a = F/m; (3) for every action of someone liking this wang, there is an equal and opposite reaction of pure hatred. Note - Newton's laws break down as Dexx accelerates towards the speed of light or becomes as small as a quark. Want to have an apple land on your head? Send a tell. As usual, I don't mind lower/higher levels, tanking or changing your alignment.

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