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From : Enlossys: Enlossys' Enchantment Shoppe
Forum : Forsale - #52602
To : all
Date : Tue Jan 4 06:13:29 2022
| Come one come all for your enchanting needs!
| +-------------------+----------+
| | Enchantment Shoppe |
| +-------------------+----------+
| | Per Item* | 2 Mil |
| | Lvl 1 Set | 1 TP |
| | Lvl 41 Set | 1 TP |
| | Lvl 71 Set | 1 TP +3M |
| | Lvl 91 Set | 1 TP +3M |
| | Lvl 131 Set | 2 TP |
| | Lvl 171 Set | 2 TP |
| | Lvl 200 Set | 2 TP +3M |
| +-------------------+----------+
| | *Includes Enchanter's Focus |
| | *Single Item Enchantments |
| +-------------------+----------+
| T's & C's apply. Enchantment Shoppe inc will not be held liable for loss
| of limb or life during volatile enchanting operations. Please enquire with
| your healthcare provider before enchanting anything designated for internal
| use only.

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