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09 Jan 13:36:37 - (Group) Emilee: '[27 Mar 17:47:02] [Emerald] Bamboo: I don't mind it. Escobar did it to me, and I was okay with it'
09 Jan 13:36:49 - (Group) You gasp in astonishment.
09 Jan 13:36:50 - (Group) Rakiso: 'ugh'
09 Jan 13:36:53 - (Group) Korendir goes ooOOooOOoo.
09 Jan 13:36:54 - (Group) Shaelynne: 'CLAN SEKRITS'
09 Jan 13:37:00 - (Group) Bamboo: 'IT WAS AN EXPERIMENTAL PHASE'
09 Jan 13:37:14 - (Group) Korendir: 'that's a long phase of experiments'

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