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INFO: All please welcome Astolfo, Aardwolf's newest Human Guardian!
Level 1 Genderless Human Guardian (Tier 0).
[Newbie] (Helper) Ingenue Alison: Surprised the name wasn't already taken
[Newbie] (Helper) Mischanner Epsilon: Is it a reference to something?
[04 Mar 15:28:44] [HELPER]: Alison: astolfo is a famous mob on another mud. google "astolfo monster" to learn more
[04 Mar 15:58:06] [HELPER]: Epsilon: ... welp. I was poking around and landed on a nsfw picture.
[04 Mar 15:58:08] [HELPER]: Epsilon: thanks alison
[04 Mar 15:58:16] [HELPER]: Epsilon: i will forever feel inadequate now

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