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[19 Jun 10:56:51] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'seems weird i cant pk roninleader'
[19 Jun 10:56:55] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'remind me of this formula'
[19 Jun 10:57:21] Greybeard (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'you are not opk?'
[19 Jun 10:57:24] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'jesus'
[19 Jun 10:57:27] INFO: Torkin has entered open PK (OPK) mode!
[19 Jun 10:57:29] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'lmao'
[19 Jun 10:57:32] (Liege of Grace) CLAN: Greybeard stares into the heavens. What is he looking at?
[19 Jun 10:57:33] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'this is why i failed on him'

You will need to answer the following correctly: 2 - 8 - 13 =

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