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#20391 + (59 ) X
(Friend) Sammael: 'Friend's cat pissed on my bed this morning.'
(Friend) Raded: 'make a donation to the local coyote population, sammael'
(Friend) Haagen: 'was ur friend on your bed this morning too?>.>'
(Friend) Sammael: 'It was a true test of my restraint, because I was filled with murderous rage.'
(Friend) Sammael: 'No she was at her BF.'
(Friend) Sammael: 'We have to keep the cats inside because the neighbours are removing a tree and it fell and destroyed the border wall between us.'
(Friend) Sammael: 'And they have dogs.'
(Friend) Haagen: 'the cat should go piss at the BF's bed then'
(Friend) Tsarikos: 'piss on the cat'
(Friend) SimiLanJ: 'did you have your mouth open when it pissed on you?'
(Friend) Sammael: 'The cat has, to date, pissed on 4 out of the 5 beds.'
(Friend) Haagen: 'mark my words, he is planning to piss on the 5th'
(Friend) Haagen: 'it is able bed dominance'
(Friend) Sammael: 'The 5th is the friend's own bed. I'm counting down the days.'
(Friend) Sammael: 'Or it HAS happened and she just hasn't told us.'
(Friend) Tsarikos: 'seriously, piss on it, that 5th bed is doomed'
(Friend) Haagen: 'it is about bed dominance >.<'
(Friend) Tsarikos: 'maybe she can't tell because it's her own cat'
(Friend) SimiLanJ: 'no, its about piss dominance'
(Friend) Sammael: 'piss dominance'
(Friend) Tsarikos: 'maybe she sleeps in cat-piss sheets'
(Friend) Haagen: 'yeah, piss on the cat, and on the cat's bed'
(Friend) Haagen: 'show the cat who is the best pisser'
(Friend) SimiLanJ: 'have a piss fight with the cat and the friend'
(Friend) Sammael: 'This conversation is evolving fascinatingly.'
(Friend) SimiLanJ: 'piss in the cat's bowl and make it drink from it'
(Friend) Tsarikos: 'screw the dominance, it's just a pissy cat'
(Friend) Haagen: 'see? all the singaporeans agree. we must be right'
(Friend) Tsarikos: 'you can lead a cat to a bowl of piss but you can't force it to drink'
(Friend) SimiLanJ: 'if a malaysian is agreeing with a singaporean, it must be right'
#20390 + (33 ) X
20 Jun 20:23:16 - (Friend) Shaelynne: 'will wrilley lead OC or Icefall today...'
20 Jun 20:23:18 - (Dice) (Friend): Shaelynne rolls 1 die with 2 sides - total dice roll is 1.
20 Jun 20:23:32 - (Friend) Shaelynne: 'i wonder if the dice are foolproof...'
20 Jun 20:23:36 - (Friend) Shaelynne: 'Will Shae lead oc or icefall tody? '
20 Jun 20:23:41 - (Dice) (Friend): Shaelynne rolls 1 die with 2 sides - total dice roll is 2.
20 Jun 20:23:43 - (Friend) Shaelynne: 'damn it!!!!'
20 Jun 20:23:48 - (Friend) Wrilley: 'probably best not to question the dice'
20 Jun 20:23:56 - (Friend) Wrilley: 'grin'
20 Jun 20:23:57 - (Friend) Shaelynne: 'they are!! look at that!!'
20 Jun 20:24:00 - (Friend) Scars: 'i'm tellin you, the dice are the best way to decide anything here'
#20389 + (43 ) X
[19 Jun 10:56:51] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'seems weird i cant pk roninleader'
[19 Jun 10:56:55] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'remind me of this formula'
[19 Jun 10:57:21] Greybeard (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'you are not opk?'
[19 Jun 10:57:24] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'jesus'
[19 Jun 10:57:27] INFO: Torkin has entered open PK (OPK) mode!
[19 Jun 10:57:29] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'lmao'
[19 Jun 10:57:32] (Liege of Grace) CLAN: Greybeard stares into the heavens. What is he looking at?
[19 Jun 10:57:33] Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'this is why i failed on him'
#20388 + (36 ) X
Bonjour (Champion of Loyalty) tells the CLAN: 'there's a goal here. if u are virgin run let shaelynne know'
(Group) Killene: 'i'm virgin'
04 Jun 20:47:26 - (Group) Rockwell: 'same'
#20387 + (39 ) X
[31 May 10:35:05] You yell 'Faster! :-p'
[31 May 10:35:23] Bamboo yells 'I just got here...'
[31 May 10:35:42] You yell 'I was talking to the dragon. Meant for it to kill YOU faster :-p'
[31 May 10:35:53] INFO: Knights race from the stronghold to avenge the death of Bamboo to Axaldra, the Eternal One and 1 other.
[31 May 10:36:03] Bamboo tells you 'IT HEARD YOU'
#20386 + (38 ) X
(Friend) Smoochable Saraid: 'oh good you wore pants'
#20385 + (50 ) X
22 Apr 15:19:17 - Rockwell (Master of Guidance) tells the CLAN: 'torkin'
22 Apr 15:19:32 - Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'dr'
22 Apr 15:20:00 - TrEz (Champion of Loyalty) tells the CLAN: 'who you calling a dr'
22 Apr 15:20:32 - Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'did i ever tell you about the time i went to a bar and this black dude told me he was a dr of assology'
22 Apr 15:20:36 - Torkin (Liege of Grace) tells the CLAN: 'i think about that a lot'
#20384 + (44 ) X
18 Apr 20:31:54 - (Friend) Korendir: 'how many were there for if2:('
18 Apr 20:31:58 - (Friend) Cide: 'like 15'
18 Apr 20:31:59 - (Friend) Emilee: '69'
18 Apr 20:32:04 - (Friend) Korendir: 'damn'
18 Apr 20:32:07 - (Friend) Cide: 'i like that number better'
18 Apr 20:32:09 - (Friend) Emilee: 'oh, meant 6 + 9'
18 Apr 20:32:10 - (Friend) Welding: 'l-lewd...'
#20383 + (39 ) X
during stress test epic:

@w[16 Apr 21:08:30] @MYou say 'east'
@w[16 Apr 21:08:37] @R(@WImm@R) Dartan: aw i feel wanted
@w[16 Apr 21:08:38] @MYou say 'heal'
@w[16 Apr 21:08:44] @MYou say 'poor sletch...'
@w[16 Apr 21:08:51] @MYou say 'damn it i can't set you '
@w[16 Apr 21:08:52] @Y(@WGroup@Y) @ySletch: 'someone quick clan me so i can be wanted too'
@w[16 Apr 21:08:53] @RINFO: Twelve has been placed on the wanted list by Kelaire!
@w[16 Apr 21:09:00] @RINFO: Sparhawk has been placed on the wanted list by Kelaire!
@w[16 Apr 21:09:03] @GCLAN ANNOUNCEMENT@w: @YShaelynne@G has recruited @YSletch@G into the clan!
@w[16 Apr 21:09:03] @RCLANINFO: Cheers erupt from the stronghold as Sletch is welcomed into Emerald.
@w[16 Apr 21:09:06] @Y(@WGroup@Y) @ySletch laughs out loud.
@w[16 Apr 21:09:07] @RINFO: Sletch has been placed on the wanted list by Aurelia!
@w[16 Apr 21:09:09] @Y(@WGroup@Y) @yTalia falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically.
#20382 + (44 ) X
Grrdy gossips 'I have most of my teeth'

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